Mar 09, 2022When we learn how to rely upon ourselves to reach our goals, we learn skills that will help us in all areas of our lives. When we have our own backs, we can always count upon ourselves to make choices which benefit us. By making our own choices, we become responsible for achieving our results. While we can get help from others, we must do our own work to reach our goals.
How we think about ourselves is powerful and can give us the confidence to push forward - even when things are difficult. When we decide to lose weight, only we know all of our reasons for this decision and why those reasons are important. When our “whys” are important enough to us, we can then generate the feelings that will give us the confidence to take the actions that will help us to reach our weight loss goals.
Because our family and friends do not have our “whys”, they will never be strongly invested in helping us to reach our weight loss goals. In fact, they may even make things more difficult for us by pushing food or by buying us our favorite “celebration” foods, when we have already made our eating plan for the day. However, knowing our “whys” and putting them where we can frequently review them, and making a plan for what we want to do when someone wants us to eat something not on our food plan for the day, makes it easier for us to make the choices that will help us to reach our weight loss goals.
We all know what we need to do to reach our weight loss goals. However, it is common for many of us to react in the moment and make the choices that in the long run will not help us to reach (and stay at) our goal weights. Through coaching, I can help you to increase the power of your inner wisdom so that you will become better able to make the choices that serve your future goals - without feeling either deprived or resentful. You can learn the skills to change your thoughts so that they serve your future goals. You can learn to think in ways that help you to feel empowered and strong - rather than easily derailed by events (or cookies) or other people’s actions or words. That box of doughnuts that someone brings especially for you can become very neutral to your brain so that looking at those doughnuts does not trigger feelings of desire for those doughnuts (or cookies or brownies or whatever is a common “trigger food” for you).
We are our own best cheerleaders. We know our strengths (and our weaknesses) and can learn to accentuate our strengths while weakening those saboteurs in our minds that encourage us to make poor food choices. We can learn to enjoy food - without having food become something that we’re either afraid of, or feel out of control around. By learning to manage our thoughts, we can change our relationships with food and return to our natural body weight without feeling deprived or following a diet.
If you are curious if coaching is the magic that will help you to make permanent changes in your relationship with food, schedule a free consultation with me. Find out if coaching is the right choice for you by contacting me at www.barbaralkatz.com.
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