When you’ve lost weight in the past, did you feel deprived when you thought that you could not eat whatever you wanted in the amounts that you wanted? Did you feel like you could not enjoy your food, while envying the way that other people were able to eat?
No, I’m not going to tell you that you can eat unlimited amounts of everything you want all of the time and lose your weight for good. I’m also not going to tell you that you can always eat whatever you want. However, I am going to show you that it is possible to lose weight and yet not feel restricted or deprived. It is also possible to have all foods on your eating plan if you desire.
Our feelings come from our thoughts. If you are thinking "It is unfair that she can eat that – and I can’t", then of course you will feel deprived. When you think – and truly believe – that you are choosing to eat foods that make your body feel good and stay healthy, then you won’t feel deprived. You probably already restrict your food choices some of the time. If you know that liver makes you gag and feel nauseated, then no matter how good the liver looks, you will not think twice about avoiding eating the liver. If you dislike beets (like I do), or brussel sprouts or chocolate (Is that even possible?), then no amount of those foods in any form is going to make you want to eat them.
When you plan to eat foods you love (and this includes desserts and chocolate and fried foods), in amounts that help support your weightless goals, and you practice following your eating plan, eventually you will be able to be around some of the "non-healthy" foods you love and not feel deprived if they are not on your eating plan for the day. You will be able to plan to eat those foods on another day, put them on your plan for that day, and then decide on that day to eat them - or not.
Put the foods you love on your eating plan - in amounts that will enable you to reach your goals. Eat them only when you're hungry, and do not eat so much that you feel "stuffed" or "heavy" or "unwell" afterwards. This takes practice, but the more you practice something, the easier it becomes.
To be successful, make sure that you are very clear on your reasons why you want to weigh a certain amount. Review your reasons frequently, and add more reasons or change them as needed. Your reasons should be compelling enough to enable you to decide to not eat something “in the moment”. There will be rare occasions when you are presented with a food that you will not be able to eat again - or anytime soon - and it is not on your plan for the day. If you like your reasons for choosing to eat that food - then eat it with intention. But eating something not on your plan should be very occasional. If you are feeling deprived or restricted frequently, then your eating plan is not the optimal plan for you. Your plan should be a "doable" plan - one that you can, and want to, follow.
Your daily eating plan should be one that you look forward to and enjoy. You should plan for restaurant meals, parties, and vacations, in such a way that you take care of your body, while also letting yourself have “all of the things, some of the time.” If you know that you will feel badly tomorrow, if you choose to eat a particular food today, then maybe you don’t want to eat it at this moment. If you know that your aunt will be serving your favorite pie – put pie on your plan. Make a plan that works for you and your lifestyle.
If you would like help in figuring out a food plan that you can follow throughout your life, or you want to be a woman who is able to eat in a way that does not cause you to feel restricted or deprived, schedule a free, no obligation, and no pressure, consultation call with me by going to my website: https://drbarbaralkatzcoaching.mykajabi.com.
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