How Weight Loss is Like Potty Training

Sep 14, 2022

                             HOW IS WEIGHT LOSS LIKE POTTY TRAINING? 


     When I was losing my weight, I used a technique that I learned when I was potty training my children.  I used a "star" chart (or a positive reinforcement chart) to reward them whenever they used the potty  – and, in the case of weight loss, I used (and still use) a habit tracker.  I gave myself a star every time I successfully did whatever habits I was tracking.  You can get a copy of the habit tracker I use by going to: 


     When I wanted to change the habits that were most difficult for me (which were habit eating, following my eating plan, and eating due to urges), I rewarded myself with something motivating to me that wasn't food (often a book) every time I accumulated 5 or 10 stars. The stars did not have to be on consecutive days.  However, I wanted to be able to reward myself frequently enough to keep me motivated to continue the habits that would help me to reach my goals.  


     Using my habit tracker also provided me with data.  At the end of each week and month, I studied my habit tracker and was able to see the areas I needed to improve to reach my weight loss goals.  It became a game for me to try to improve my habits each week – and every time I improved, I lost more weight. 


     Believe it or not, weight loss can be fun if you treat it like a game.  And to successfully lose weight and keep it off, weight loss really is a mind game.  When you make losing weight fun, and you try to outwit your old habits with your mind, not only does weight loss become a game – but it becomes one that you can win and can keep on winning. 


     My habit tracker has the habits that I like to track; however, you can track any habits. Let me know how tracking your habits works for you and if there are any particular topics you would like information about at [email protected].


     If you would like individualized help to reach your weight loss goals, while learning strategies to remove any obstacles that are keeping you stuck, contact me through my website at to set up a free, no obligation, and no pressure, strategy session to find out how you can lose those excess pounds for good.


And share this post with a friend who would also like to permanently lose their excess weight without dieting. 



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