How to stop Mindless Eating
Jun 22, 2022
Throughout my life, I have had problems losing weight, gaining too much weight, and regaining any lost weight, mostly because I used to mindlessly eat. Mindless eating is eating from habit (such as always eating when watching TV), or eating just because the food is right in front of you, or just because you smell or see something that you know you like (such as when you pass by your favorite bakery). It can also happen at the office when you walk by the candy on your co-worker’s desk or when you’re frequently tasting whatever you’re cooking, or if you finish up those last bites from the bowl on the table or from someone else’s plate because you don’t want to “waste” food.
Just by eliminating mindless eating, meaning not eating out of habit when you’re not hungry and not paying attention, it is possible to lose excess weight and to maintain a healthy body weight. It is a difficult habit to break when you've been "habit eating" for many years. If you want to start eliminating mindless eating, start with one time of day or one circumstance where you know you usually eat when you are not hungry.
Be curious about how you feel when you watch TV without eating (if it has been your habit to eat at that time). Are you able to sit and watch without something in your mouth? How do you feel when you don’t eat if that has been your habit? If you’re uncomfortable, how long does it take before you can watch TV without eating? Once you have changed that habit, then choose another to work on.
By stopping habit eating and unconscious eating, your health and energy will improve and your weight should start dropping as well. If you overeat at meals, because you’re not paying attention, try eating without distractions maybe 3 times in the next week and see if the amount of food you desire actually changes.
Losing excess weight does not have to be hard. It does require desire and commitment; however, it is possible to eat the foods you love and desire when you are attentive to what you are eating and you plan for those foods.
If your mindless eating is out of control and you want to stop it for good, I can help you through 1:1 coaching. Your eating does not have to be a constant worry - and with coaching, I can help you to have a bigger and more vibrant life while enabling your body to reach its natural weight.
Request a free consultation either through my website: or email me directly at [email protected]. It is possible to change your life permanently through coaching.
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