Do You Eat When You're Feeling Lonely?

Apr 05, 2023

     Do you eat when feeling lonely or sorry for yourself? Is food your source of comfort - something to make you feel better when you’re feeling unloved or alone? Does eating the food make you feel less lonely? 

     “Comfort” foods are often sugary, fatty, and highly processed.  These foods briefly increase brain dopamine (the “feel good” hormone) and make you feel temporarily better.  If you frequently eat to avoid uncomfortable feelings, this emotional eating will cause weight gain. 

     If you’re lonely because you do not have a partner (and you want one), would you be better off getting out and meeting people or talking to others online?  One way to meet new people is by joining Meetup groups (  There are Meetup groups worldwide, with groups for most ages and interests.  Where I live, there are groups for hiking, listening to live music, dancing, book clubs, singles (of different ages), exploring restaurants, playing cards, breakfast groups, etc.   

     It is also possible to make new friends online.  Some Facebook online groups for older women include The Ethel Circle, Cool Retired Women, Women Over 50, Women Like Us, Singles Over 60, etc. There are also groups for pet owners, schools you attended, hobbies, former neighborhood groups, camp groups, and many others.  

     If you’re eating because you’re bored, are there hobbies you can do or learn? If you don’t have any hobbies, think about what you liked to do when you were younger.  Many women have started (or re-started) painting or drawing, and others have learned beading, pickleball, pottery, puzzles, knitting, crocheting, woodworking, stained glass, restoring furniture, Mah Jong, etc.  Local community colleges often have adult education classes which are good places to meet other people and learn something new.  

     If you’re living alone, and don’t have a pet, consider getting one for company.  Even a goldfish can provide both company and something to care for.  I’m partial to dogs and cats, but any animal can provide companionship. An active puppy can also give you a reason to get outside and walk 2 or more times a day. 

     And don’t forget about volunteering.  When you help or provide comfort to someone else, help to care for animals, or volunteer in some other way, you’re not only keeping busy but also helping to bring others joy. Volunteer groups are also ways to make new friends. 

     If you want help with emotional eating and have been unsuccessful in losing or maintaining your weight, consider hiring a coach. As an advanced certified weight loss coach, as well as having training using hypnosis, I can help you lose weight permanently.  Schedule a free, no-obligation, and no-pressure consultation at:




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